is a link to the ReportMill design application. The design application
is a Swing Java Web Start application. If you aren't familiar with Java
Web Start or if you aren't sure if you have it installed, click
here, otherwise:
Here to Launch ReportMill 7

deployment or to run the design app from the command line, please download
the design app from the command line
also easy to launch the ReportMill layout application from
the command line:
java -cp \Temp\ReportMill7.jar com.reportmill.App
For deployment with Apple WebObjects, you will also need
Notes RM7
ReportMill 7 has numerous enhancements including our new "Clean and
Simple" file format, native Excel generation, direct printing APIs,
a new public Swing viewer component, performance optimizations and full
support of our low level API (with complete JavaDoc).
Clean and
Simple file format
ReportMill 7 introduces a much more efficient and human readable file
format, in the style of XSL or SVG - only more readable and much more
powerful. The best way to edit a template is still with the powerful layout
application, but now a basic document file looks like this:
<document margins="36 36 540 720" > <page width="612" height="792" > <text x="200" y="200" width="200" height="100" > <font name="Arial Bold" size="16" /> <string>Hello World!</string> </text> </page> </document>
This makes
it easy for developers to generate templates programmatically or edit them
by hand. Additionally, the new file format is up to 10 times smaller than
the previous file format, which makes it more memory efficient and faster
to load.
Excel Generation
ReportMill now generates Excel files using the OpenSource Poi project.
Simply download a copy of their jar (
and call the following API:
RMDocument template
= new RMDocument(aSource);
RMDocument report = template.generateReport(myJavaDataSet);
byte xls[] = report.xlsBytes();
Printing and Swing Viewing
ReportMill has a new publicly supported Swing Viewer, which also supports
a simple direct printing API:
// Create Swing
viewer component
RMViewer viewer = new RMViewer();
myJPanel.add(new JScrollPane(viewer));
// Direct printing
new RMViewer(myDocument).print(); // or you can specify printer name
Full Support
of Low-Level API
Because ReportMill has such a powerful design application, few developers
need to use anything more than one line of code:
new RMDocument(aSource).generateReport(myObjects).writePDF("MyReport.pdf");
However, it's now
easy to create templates programmatically:
RMDocument template
= new RMDocument(612, 792);
RMTable table = new RMTable();
table.setBounds(36, 36, 540, 720);
table.getRow(0).getColumn(0).setText("Title: @title@");