is a link to the ReportMill design application. The design application
is a Swing Java Web Start application. If you aren't familiar with Java
Web Start or if you aren't sure if you have it installed, click
here, otherwise:
Here to Launch RMStudio 8

deployment, download ReportMill8.jar
(engine only).
Alternatively, download RMStudio8.jar (engine
+ RMStudio).
RMStudio from the command line
also easy to launch the ReportMill design application from
the command line:
java -cp \Temp\RMStudio8.jar com.reportmill.App
For deployment with Apple WebObjects, you will also need
Notes RM8
8 has been updated to Java 1.4 and has numerous enhancements
which make it smaller, faster, easier
to use and more feature rich. The ReportMill jar is now available
in engine-only form, which is less than 900k, and the full version,
complete with the design application, is only 1.6 MB. The new version
also generates PDF up to 30% faster with up to 40% less memory.
ReportMill 8
also has a completely new 3D graphing engine, which supports graphing
from any angle with interactive rotation, scaling and perspective.
table generation code has also been rewritten for this release
and the new code is faster, more memory efficient and offers
a new "Running
Summary" feature
which allows for "in-progress"
summary rows and "Page summaries".
are many other new features as well, including support of transparency
in PDF generation and support for viewing multiple pages simultaneously
in the same editor window.
Developer's Notes
API Changes
For various reasons, this is the first Java release of ReportMill that
is not binary compatible. This means that you'll have to recompile your
application against the new jar to use RM8. Developers will notice few
changes to RM's simple API. The only change that most developers will
notice is that ReportMill's most common classes have been restructured
into a new package: com.reportmill.base. So anywhere your code references:
Replace with:
#import com.reportmill.base.*;
Other than that, a small percentage of ReportMill's low-level API has
been changed to be more consistent with Java. Numerous accessors have
been changed from xxx() to use the standard Java getXXX() convention.
Note also that ReportMill 8 requires Java 1.4 or beyond. If you need
to deploy on a 1.3 system, please continue to use RM 7.
Java Advanced Imaging
ReportMill 5, 6 & 7 all included the Java Advanced Imaging image
readers, which added significantly to ReportMill's jar size only to add
support for less common image types, such as BMP and TIFF.
ReportMill8 will use Java advanced imaging if it is installed on a machine,
otherwise it will use the standard JRE image support (which handles GIF,
JPG and PNG). Java Advanced Imaging can be downloaded from the following
Java Advanced
Imaging main page.
Patch Feb 12:
- RMDocument: Added getBytesPNG()
- RMKeyChainFuncts: Changed total to treat null as zero
(totalX now does short-ciruit thing)
- RMViewer: Fixed Swing printing with Double page layouts
- HTML: Moved hyperlink tag (<A>) inside DIV tag
Patch March 12:
- RMTableRPG: Fixed bug with large
Header rows, when only part of row fits on page
- RMKey.valueForKey: Made fix for when specific
app server (currently only WebObjects) coverts an object to null
- RM "safe save": Rewrote to avoid Win problem
where Win prefers overwrite to rename for templates open
by multiple apps
- RMEditor: Fixed bug with opening multiple editor windows
Patch April 15:
- RMTableRPG: Fixed bug with large
summary rows, when only part of row fits on page
- RMTableRPG: Fixed bug with missing details row, when
immediately followed by summary on next page
- RMEditor: New UI to give quicker access to inspector
panel, color panel, font panel, Zooming and page selection
- RMEditor: Fixed bug that errantly marked document dirty
just from page selection
- RMEditor: Fixed display bug that could cause unnecessary
flashing when previewing or changing pages
- RMTable: Added "Filter Expr" feature to table inspector
that offers an expression used to limit table list objects
Patch May 27:
- Added Spell Checking!
- Added Hyphenation!
- Open/Save panels: Implemented workaround for
intermittent Sun JVM ImageIcon.<init> NPE.
- RMExcelWriter: Fixed bug that rounded values to float
instead of double
- RMKeyChain: Added "countUnique" aggregate key
- RMTextEditor: Added spell checking (panel and "check
as you type")
- RMTextEditor: Added hyphenation
- RMXMLReader: Added code to load XMLReader directly
instead of using/modifying system properties
- PDFWriter: Fixed character rendering for non-built-in
fonts (PDF quadratic bezier representation was flawed)
- InspectorPanel: Fixed NPE on Linux (and sometimes
Patch July 8:
- PDF: Added
PDF 1.5 support for transparent images.
- ShadowFill:
Added PDF support for shadows.
- New Paint/Fill inspector,
exposing fills, stroke, gradients, texture and shadows.
- New "Placement" inspector, to include location, size,
rotation & scale in same inspector.
- New "Shape General" inspector, to hold things like
Name, URL, isLocked.
- Text: Fixed bug where text was being resized 1 point
too tall (relative to RM7)
- Text: Fixed bug where last row of text was sometimes
too tall
- RMTableRow: Fixed bug where sometimes structured table
row children unarchived with insufficient height
- Preferences: Fixed bug that caused this panel to be
Patch Aug 29:
- RMTableRPG:
Fixed possible stack overflow bug for large reports, by changing
a recursion to a loop.
- TextTool: Made text inspector text editor use same
background color as text in editor window (great for white text)
- KeysPanel: Made keys panel require a double-click for
inserting keys into text field instead of single-click
- RMTextEditor: Fixed bug that suppressed setting font
in empty text field
- RMTextEditor: Fixed small delete key for Windows.
- ReportMill: Fixed bug that caused RM to ignore license
on some systems.
Patch Nov 28:
- DataSourcePanel:
Added panel to configure the datasource for a report
- DataSourceJDBC: Added JDBC database connectivity to
RM with configuration in DataSourcePanel
- RMExcelWriter: Added support for date formatting
- DataSourceGoogle: Added support for getting data from
a Google search (really just a technology demo)
- FontPanel: Fixed bug that excluded a number of fonts
from showing up in font panel.
- RMFont: Added code to do better job of guessing cross-platform
font names.
- RMImageFill: Added UI for rotating/scaling/skewing
- RMTextLayout: Added support for right, center and decimal