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ReportMill Charts


ReportMill Charts is an advanced charting package for Java and JavaScript that lets you generate charts in the browser, on the desktop and on the server. It has interactive features including drill-down, mouse-overs and animations but also provides a full screen chart editor for customizing the look via UI and generating new embed code.

Chart Playground

ReportMill Charts is more than just a chart generator - it's a full chart designer. Creating a chart is simple - just paste in the data, choose your favorite chart type, set the titles and options and you are done! The Java and JavaScript code to generate your chart dynamically is available to copy/paste from the appropriate tab. Users can choose to view the chart in the playground themselves and explore the data in many different ways by changing chart types and options. They just need to click the button in the upper right corner.

Java and JavaScript

ReportMill Charts is available as a simple JavaScript file and a simple Jar. To use it in the browser you simply include the script in your HTML page and paste in the code from the Playground editor. To use on the desktop or on the server, simply include the jar and paste the code into your Java application.


To include a chart in a web page, simply add a script element to load the JS file and call the chart function with a string for the id of the target div element and a JS object for the params:


ReportMill Charts is free to generate static charts - simply paste in your data, configure your chart and export as an image. To include dynamic charts on your site and generate reports on the desktop and server, see the pricing page (here).


