Package snap.web

package snap.web
  • Class
    An exception that indicates that data source doesn't have permission to access data.
    A class to describe type of content in WebFile (from WebURL).
    A data source implementation that draws from a directory WebFile.
    A Class to work with DropBox.
    This WebSitePane subclass browses DropBox files.
    This class represents the contents of a file as returned from a WebSite.
    A class to hold basic information for a generic file.
    A data source to read/write data and files to a file system.
    A class to represent an HTTP request and generate a response.
    A class to hold headers.
    A class to represent an HTTP response.
    A WebSite for HTTP sources.
    A FileSite subclass that stores files in a named directory relative to SnapCode home directory.
    A class to help work with MIME type strings.
    A class to parse a URL string and provide the parts.
    A class for working with parameter strings as found in a URL query part or fragment id, typically with the format: field1=value1&field2=value2
    Utilities for paths.
    A class to manage UI for recent files (can show a panel or a menu).
    This WebSite manages recent files.
    This WebSitePane subclass displays files for RecentFilesSite.
    An exception wrapped around a failed response.
    Represents a file from a WebSite.
    An interface for classes that want to post modifications to files.
    A class to handle loading of URL items.
    A request to a server.
    The response.
    This is an abstract class to provide data management (create, get, put, delete) and file management.
    A class to represent a URL for a WebSite and WebFile (it can be both for nested sources).
    Utility methods for Web classes.
    A WebSite subclass for Zip and Jar files.