SnapCode makes it fast and easy to start coding Java in any modern browser. SnapCode offers modern coding features, support for Java REPL (Read-Eval-Print-Loop), and full featured library support for UI, graphics, charting, 3D and more. All of this makes SnapCode effective for a broad range of uses from education to engineering and data science. SnapCode gets things started quickly with these features:
SnapCode has everything you expect from a modern IDE to make writing code fast and easy:
SnapCode allows you to avoid boilerplate code and evaluates code snippets as you type for instant feedback.
Java REPL support is optional - full Java is supported, and can be auto-generated, for when code needs to be portable and compliant.
SnapCode is built using the SnapKit and SnapCharts libraries giving access to advanced application features.
Because the best line of code is the one you don't have to write, UI is almost always created using the with the integrated UI builder and stored in simple XML files ('.snp' files). Simply create/save a .snp file with the same name as your custom controller class, and the default controller.createUI() method will load it.
Learn the basic concepts of coding in a visual way, by drag and drop. (This feature is still in preview).
Java Markdown (JMD) is a simple extension of standard markdown that adds a new "Runnable block". Simply surround Java code in a standard markdown file with the delimiter '~~~', and code inside that block is compiled, executed and displayed. There is support for a simple show(anything) method that tells the viewer what to display in the block. The parameter can be anything: text, images, views, UI components, charts, etc.
# Java Markdown - run live Java code in a document
show("Hello World");
Java Markdown files are edited in SnapCode and can be a part of a full Java project to draw from supporting classes, packages and external library depnencies. JMD can be viewed as a stand-alone browser page or inside SnapCode. This feature is still in development with many improvements to come. Click on this image to see Java Markdown in action:
SnapCode also has an integrated help system to quickly find templates for almost any kind of code.
Many features are on the immediate roadmap:
This project is built with the following tools: