Package snap.gfx3d
Class Trackball
- All Implemented Interfaces:
This class implements the trackball widget. It is an optional replacement for the Scene3DControl.
Trackball encapsulates the Scene3D's behavior, which is that mouse motion in the x direction changes the pitch, and
mouse motion in the y direction changes the yaw. The controll adds rotation about the z axis (roll) by clicking
on a ring outside the trackball.
Note that this particular behavior quickly goes wrong, since
Rotate(y,x,z) * Rotate(dy,dx,dz) != Rotate (y+dy, x+dx, z+dz)
To make the behavior more reasonable, we could try
any of :
1. Make Scene3D keep a matrix,instead of the euler angles and just keep rotating that by dx,dy,dz
2. Get the matrix, rotate by dx,dy,dz, decompose into new euler angles and set those
3. Use quaternions (gasp)
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class snap.view.ParentView
_children, Child_Prop, NeedsLayout_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.view.View
_align, _borderRadius, _effect, _font, _margin, _padding, _repaintRect, _showing, _spacing, _vertical, Action, Align_Prop, Border_Prop, BorderRadius_Prop, Clip_Prop, Cursor_Prop, DEFAULT_ALIGN, DEFAULT_MARGIN, DEFAULT_PADDING, DEFAULT_SPACING, Disabled_Prop, DragEvents, Effect_Prop, Fill_Prop, Focusable_Prop, Focused_Prop, FocusWhenPressed_Prop, Font_Prop, GrowHeight_Prop, GrowWidth_Prop, Height_Prop, KeyEvents, KeyPress, KeyRelease, KeyType, LeanX_Prop, LeanY_Prop, Managed_Prop, Margin_Prop, MaxHeight_Prop, MaxWidth_Prop, MinHeight_Prop, MinWidth_Prop, MouseDrag, MouseEnter, MouseEvents, MouseExit, MouseMove, MousePress, MouseRelease, Name_Prop, Opacity_Prop, Padding_Prop, Paintable_Prop, Parent_Prop, Pickable_Prop, PrefHeight_Prop, PrefWidth_Prop, Rotate_Prop, ScaleX_Prop, ScaleY_Prop, Scroll, Showing_Prop, Spacing_Prop, Text_Prop, ToolTip_Prop, TransX_Prop, TransY_Prop, Vertical_Prop, Visible_Prop, Width_Prop, X_Prop, Y_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.props.PropObject
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionprotected void
Adds scuffmark polygons at random points on the trackball.double
Returns the rotation about the X axis in degrees.double
Returns the rotation about the Z axis in degrees.double
Returns the rotation about the Y axis in degrees.protected void
(ViewEvent anEvent) Handle mouse drag.protected void
(ViewEvent anEvent) Handle mouse press.protected void
(ViewEvent anEvent) Handle mouse release.protected void
(Painter aPntr) Override to paint scene.protected void
(ViewEvent anEvent) Handle events.void
(double aValue) Sets the rotation about the X axis in degrees.void
(double aValue) Sets the rotation about the Z axis in degrees.void
(double aValue) Override to add scuff marks.void
(double aValue) Sets the rotation about the Y axis in degrees.void
Sync from given camera to this trackball.void
Sync to a given camera from this trackball.Methods inherited from class snap.view.ParentView
addChild, addChild, addDeepChangeListener, childDidDeepChange, childDidPropChange, fromXML, fromXMLChildren, fromXMLView, getChild, getChildAt, getChildAt, getChildCount, getChildCountManaged, getChildForClass, getChildForName, getChildLast, getChildren, getChildrenForClass, getChildrenInPaintOrder, getChildrenManaged, getFocusNext, getFocusPrev, getPropValue, getViewList, getViewProxy, indexOfChild, initProps, intersectsShape, isInLayout, isNeedsLayout, isNeedsLayoutDeep, isNeedsRepaintDeep, layout, layoutDeep, layoutDeepImpl, layoutFloatingViews, layoutImpl, paintAll, paintChildren, parentFontChanged, processPropChange, relayout, removeChild, removeChild, removeChildren, removeDeepChangeListener, setChildren, setFont, setNeedsLayout, setNeedsLayoutDeep, setNeedsRepaintDeep, setOwner, setOwnerChildren, setPropValue, setShowing, themeChanged, toXML, toXMLChildren, toXMLView
Methods inherited from class snap.view.View
addBinding, addEventFilter, addEventHandler, clone, contains, contains, containsShape, createActionEvent, disableEvents, enableEvents, fireActionEvent, getAlign, getAlignX, getAlignY, getAnim, getAnimCleared, getAnimTimeDeep, getBestHeight, getBestSize, getBestWidth, getBinding, getBinding, getBindingCount, getBindings, getBorder, getBorderRadius, getBounds, getBoundsLocal, getBoundsParent, getBoundsShape, getBoundsShapeParent, getClip, getClipAll, getClipAllBounds, getClipBounds, getClippedRect, getCursor, getDefaultBorder, getDefaultFill, getDefaultFont, getEffect, getEnv, getEventAdapter, getFill, getFillColor, getFocusNext, getFocusPrev, getFont, getHeight, getHost, getInsetsAll, getLean, getLeanX, getLeanY, getLocalToParent, getLocalToParent, getMargin, getMaxHeight, getMaxSize, getMaxWidth, getMaxX, getMaxY, getMidX, getMidY, getMinHeight, getMinHeightImpl, getMinSize, getMinWidth, getMinWidthImpl, getName, getOpacity, getOpacityAll, getOwner, getOwner, getPadding, getParent, getParent, getParentCount, getParentToLocal, getParentToLocal, getPhysics, getPhysics, getPrefHeight, getPrefHeight, getPrefHeightImpl, getPrefSize, getPrefWidth, getPrefWidth, getPrefWidthImpl, getProp, getPropDefault, getProps, getRealClassName, getRepaintRect, getRepaintRectExpanded, getRootView, getRotate, getScale, getScaleX, getScaleY, getSize, getSpacing, getText, getToolTip, getToolTip, getTransX, getTransY, getUpdater, getValuePropName, getVisRect, getWidth, getWindow, getX, getXY, getY, indexInHost, indexInParent, isActionable, isAncestor, isClipToBounds, isDisabled, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocused, isFocusKeysEnabled, isFocusPainted, isFocusWhenPressed, isFontSet, isGrowHeight, isGrowWidth, isGuest, isHorizontal, isLocalToParentSimple, isManaged, isManagedVisible, isMaxHeightSet, isMaxWidthSet, isMinHeightSet, isMinWidthSet, isMouseDown, isMouseOver, isNeedsRepaint, isPaintable, isPickable, isPickableVisible, isPrefHeightSet, isPrefWidthSet, isShowing, isToolTipEnabled, isVertical, isVisible, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToScreen, paintBack, paintFront, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, playAnimDeep, processEventAll, processEventFilters, processEventHandlers, relayoutParent, removeBinding, removeBinding, removeEventFilter, removeEventHandler, repaint, repaint, repaint, repaintInParent, requestFocus, runDelayed, runIntervals, runLater, scrollToVisible, setActionable, setAlign, setAlignX, setAlignY, setAnimProps, setAnimString, setAnimTimeDeep, setBorder, setBorder, setBorderRadius, setBounds, setBounds, setBoundsLocal, setClip, setClipToBounds, setCursor, setDisabled, setEffect, setEnabled, setFill, setFocusable, setFocused, setFocusKeysEnabled, setFocusPainted, setFocusWhenPressed, setGrowHeight, setGrowWidth, setHeight, setLean, setLeanX, setLeanY, setManaged, setMargin, setMargin, setMaxHeight, setMaxSize, setMaxSize, setMaxWidth, setMinHeight, setMinSize, setMinSize, setMinWidth, setName, setOpacity, setPadding, setPadding, setPaintable, setParent, setPickable, setPrefHeight, setPrefSize, setPrefSize, setPrefWidth, setProp, setRealClassName, setRotate, setScale, setScaleX, setScaleY, setSize, setSize, setSizeLocal, setSizeToBestSize, setSizeToPrefSize, setSpacing, setText, setToolTip, setToolTipEnabled, setTransX, setTransY, setVertical, setVisible, setX, setXY, setXYLocal, setY, stopAnimDeep, stopIntervals, toStringProps
Methods inherited from class snap.props.PropObject
addPropChangeListener, addPropChangeListener, firePropChange, firePropChange, firePropChange, getPropForName, getPropParent, getPropSet, getPropsForArchival, getPropsForArchivalExtra, getPropsString, isPropDefault, removePropChangeListener, removePropChangeListener, setPropsString, setPropValues, toString
Constructor Details
public Trackball()Creates a Trackball.
Method Details
public double getYaw()Returns the rotation about the Y axis in degrees. -
public void setYaw(double aValue) Sets the rotation about the Y axis in degrees. -
public double getPitch()Returns the rotation about the X axis in degrees. -
public void setPitch(double aValue) Sets the rotation about the X axis in degrees. -
public double getRoll()Returns the rotation about the Z axis in degrees. -
public void setRoll(double aValue) Sets the rotation about the Z axis in degrees. -
public void setWidth(double aValue) Override to add scuff marks. -
protected void addScuffMarks()Adds scuffmark polygons at random points on the trackball. -
Override to paint scene.- Overrides:
in classParentView
Handle events.- Overrides:
in classView
Handle mouse press. -
Handle mouse drag. -
Handle mouse release. -
Sync from given camera to this trackball. -
Sync to a given camera from this trackball.