Package snap.props
package snap.props
ClassDescriptionA listener to get property changes and nested property changes.This class represents a property.This class primarily converts a PropObject (graph) to/from a PropNode (graph).This inner class represents a named resource associated with an archiver.This class helps PropArchiver archive some common SnapKit classes.A PropArchiver subclass specifically to convert to/from JSON.A PropArchiver subclass specifically to convert to/from XML.A class to describe object property changes.An interface for objects that can do a PropChange.An interface to respond to PropChange objects.A PropChangeListener that removes itself when fired.A class to easily add propery change support to a class (and DeepChange support).A class to represent a PropObject and its property values as both native and String values.This utility class converts PropNode to/from JSObject.This utility class converts PropNode to/from XMLElement.A base class for anything that wants to work with props.This class is meant to stand in for archival objects that aren't PropObject.This class holds a list of props for a PropObject class.This class holds utility methods for Props.A class to convert common types to/from Strings.An interface for classes that know how to code/decode themselves.Undoer - this object manages undo by keeping lists of property changes.An interface for undo/redo selection.This class represents a single undo but holds a list of PropChanges.