Package snap.view
Class ChildView
- All Implemented Interfaces:
- Direct Known Subclasses:
A ChildView is a ParentView (and ViewHost) that allows children to be modified.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class snap.view.ParentView
_children, Child_Prop, NeedsLayout_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.view.View
_align, _borderRadius, _effect, _font, _margin, _padding, _repaintRect, _showing, _spacing, _vertical, Action, Align_Prop, Border_Prop, BorderRadius_Prop, Clip_Prop, Cursor_Prop, DEFAULT_ALIGN, DEFAULT_MARGIN, DEFAULT_PADDING, DEFAULT_SPACING, Disabled_Prop, DragEvents, Effect_Prop, Fill_Prop, Focusable_Prop, Focused_Prop, FocusWhenPressed_Prop, Font_Prop, GrowHeight_Prop, GrowWidth_Prop, Height_Prop, KeyEvents, KeyPress, KeyRelease, KeyType, LeanX_Prop, LeanY_Prop, Managed_Prop, Margin_Prop, MaxHeight_Prop, MaxWidth_Prop, MinHeight_Prop, MinWidth_Prop, MouseDrag, MouseEnter, MouseEvents, MouseExit, MouseMove, MousePress, MouseRelease, Name_Prop, Opacity_Prop, Padding_Prop, Paintable_Prop, Parent_Prop, Pickable_Prop, PrefHeight_Prop, PrefWidth_Prop, Rotate_Prop, ScaleX_Prop, ScaleY_Prop, Scroll, Showing_Prop, Spacing_Prop, Text_Prop, ToolTip_Prop, TransX_Prop, TransY_Prop, Vertical_Prop, Visible_Prop, Width_Prop, X_Prop, Y_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.props.PropObject
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Adds the given child to the end of this view's children list.void
Adds the given child to this view's children list at the given index.void
ViewHost method: Adds the given view to this host's guest (children) list at given index.getGuest
(int anIndex) ViewHost method: Returns the guest view at given
ViewHost method: Returns the number of guest views.removeChild
(int anIndex) Remove's the child at the given index from this view's children
(View aChild) Removes the given child from this view's children list.void
Removes all children from this view (in reverse order).removeGuest
(int anIndex) ViewHost method: Remove's guest at given index from this host's guest (children) list.void
(View... theChildren) Sets children to given list.Methods inherited from class snap.view.ParentView
addDeepChangeListener, childDidDeepChange, childDidPropChange, fromXML, fromXMLChildren, fromXMLView, getChild, getChildAt, getChildAt, getChildCount, getChildCountManaged, getChildForClass, getChildForName, getChildLast, getChildren, getChildrenForClass, getChildrenInPaintOrder, getChildrenManaged, getFocusNext, getFocusPrev, getPropValue, getViewList, getViewProxy, indexOfChild, initProps, intersectsShape, isInLayout, isNeedsLayout, isNeedsLayoutDeep, isNeedsRepaintDeep, layout, layoutDeep, layoutDeepImpl, layoutFloatingViews, layoutImpl, paintAbove, paintAll, paintChildren, parentFontChanged, processPropChange, relayout, removeDeepChangeListener, setFont, setNeedsLayout, setNeedsLayoutDeep, setNeedsRepaintDeep, setOwner, setOwnerChildren, setPropValue, setShowing, themeChanged, toXML, toXMLChildren, toXMLView
Methods inherited from class snap.view.View
addBinding, addEventFilter, addEventHandler, clone, contains, contains, containsShape, createActionEvent, disableEvents, enableEvents, fireActionEvent, getAlign, getAlignX, getAlignY, getAnim, getAnimCleared, getAnimTimeDeep, getBestHeight, getBestSize, getBestWidth, getBinding, getBinding, getBindingCount, getBindings, getBorder, getBorderRadius, getBounds, getBoundsLocal, getBoundsParent, getBoundsShape, getBoundsShapeParent, getClip, getClipAll, getClipAllBounds, getClipBounds, getClippedRect, getCursor, getDefaultBorder, getDefaultFill, getDefaultFont, getEffect, getEnv, getEventAdapter, getFill, getFillColor, getFocusNext, getFocusPrev, getFont, getHeight, getHost, getInsetsAll, getLean, getLeanX, getLeanY, getLocalToParent, getLocalToParent, getMargin, getMaxHeight, getMaxSize, getMaxWidth, getMaxX, getMaxY, getMidX, getMidY, getMinHeight, getMinHeightImpl, getMinSize, getMinWidth, getMinWidthImpl, getName, getOpacity, getOpacityAll, getOwner, getOwner, getPadding, getParent, getParent, getParentCount, getParentToLocal, getParentToLocal, getPhysics, getPhysics, getPrefHeight, getPrefHeight, getPrefHeightImpl, getPrefSize, getPrefWidth, getPrefWidth, getPrefWidthImpl, getProp, getPropDefault, getProps, getRealClassName, getRepaintRect, getRepaintRectExpanded, getRootView, getRotate, getScale, getScaleX, getScaleY, getSize, getSpacing, getText, getToolTip, getToolTip, getTransX, getTransY, getUpdater, getValuePropName, getVisRect, getWidth, getWindow, getX, getXY, getY, indexInHost, indexInParent, isActionable, isAncestor, isClipToBounds, isDisabled, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocused, isFocusKeysEnabled, isFocusPainted, isFocusWhenPressed, isFontSet, isGrowHeight, isGrowWidth, isGuest, isHorizontal, isLocalToParentSimple, isManaged, isManagedVisible, isMaxHeightSet, isMaxWidthSet, isMinHeightSet, isMinWidthSet, isMouseDown, isMouseOver, isNeedsRepaint, isPaintable, isPickable, isPickableVisible, isPrefHeightSet, isPrefWidthSet, isShowing, isToolTipEnabled, isVertical, isVisible, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToScreen, paintBack, paintFront, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, playAnimDeep, processEvent, processEventAll, processEventFilters, processEventHandlers, relayoutParent, removeBinding, removeBinding, removeEventFilter, removeEventHandler, repaint, repaint, repaint, repaintInParent, requestFocus, runDelayed, runIntervals, runLater, scrollToVisible, setActionable, setAlign, setAlignX, setAlignY, setAnimProps, setAnimString, setAnimTimeDeep, setBorder, setBorder, setBorderRadius, setBounds, setBounds, setBoundsLocal, setClip, setClipToBounds, setCursor, setDisabled, setEffect, setEnabled, setFill, setFocusable, setFocused, setFocusKeysEnabled, setFocusPainted, setFocusWhenPressed, setGrowHeight, setGrowWidth, setHeight, setLean, setLeanX, setLeanY, setManaged, setMargin, setMargin, setMaxHeight, setMaxSize, setMaxSize, setMaxWidth, setMinHeight, setMinSize, setMinSize, setMinWidth, setName, setOpacity, setPadding, setPadding, setPaintable, setParent, setPickable, setPrefHeight, setPrefSize, setPrefSize, setPrefWidth, setProp, setRealClassName, setRotate, setScale, setScaleX, setScaleY, setSize, setSize, setSizeLocal, setSizeToBestSize, setSizeToPrefSize, setSpacing, setText, setToolTip, setToolTipEnabled, setTransX, setTransY, setVertical, setVisible, setWidth, setX, setXY, setXYLocal, setY, stopAnimDeep, stopIntervals, toStringProps
Methods inherited from class snap.props.PropObject
addPropChangeListener, addPropChangeListener, firePropChange, firePropChange, firePropChange, getPropForName, getPropParent, getPropSet, getPropsForArchival, getPropsForArchivalExtra, getPropsString, isPropDefault, removePropChangeListener, removePropChangeListener, setPropsString, setPropValues, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface snap.view.ViewHost
addGuest, getGuests, removeGuest
Constructor Details
public ChildView()
Method Details
Adds the given child to the end of this view's children list.- Overrides:
in classParentView
Adds the given child to this view's children list at the given index.- Overrides:
in classParentView
Remove's the child at the given index from this view's children list.- Overrides:
in classParentView
Removes the given child from this view's children list.- Overrides:
in classParentView
public void removeChildren()Removes all children from this view (in reverse order).- Overrides:
in classParentView
Sets children to given list.- Overrides:
in classParentView
public int getGuestCount()ViewHost method: Returns the number of guest views.- Specified by:
in interfaceViewHost
ViewHost method: Returns the guest view at given index. -
ViewHost method: Adds the given view to this host's guest (children) list at given index. -
ViewHost method: Remove's guest at given index from this host's guest (children) list.- Specified by:
in interfaceViewHost