Package snap.view
Class Menu
- All Implemented Interfaces:
A MenuItem subclass to show child menu items.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class snap.view.MenuItem
_parentMenu, Selected_Prop, Shortcut_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.view.ButtonBase
_showArea, _targeted, BUTTON_NORMAL, BUTTON_OVER, BUTTON_PRESSED, ImageName_Prop, Position_Prop, Pressed_Prop, ShowArea_Prop, Targeted_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.view.ParentView
_children, Child_Prop, NeedsLayout_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.view.View
_align, _borderRadius, _effect, _font, _margin, _padding, _repaintRect, _showing, _spacing, _vertical, Action, Align_Prop, Border_Prop, BorderRadius_Prop, Clip_Prop, Cursor_Prop, DEFAULT_ALIGN, DEFAULT_MARGIN, DEFAULT_PADDING, DEFAULT_SPACING, Disabled_Prop, DragEvents, Effect_Prop, Fill_Prop, Focusable_Prop, Focused_Prop, FocusWhenPressed_Prop, Font_Prop, GrowHeight_Prop, GrowWidth_Prop, Height_Prop, KeyEvents, KeyPress, KeyRelease, KeyType, LeanX_Prop, LeanY_Prop, Managed_Prop, Margin_Prop, MaxHeight_Prop, MaxWidth_Prop, MinHeight_Prop, MinWidth_Prop, MouseDrag, MouseEnter, MouseEvents, MouseExit, MouseMove, MousePress, MouseRelease, Name_Prop, Opacity_Prop, Padding_Prop, Paintable_Prop, Parent_Prop, Pickable_Prop, PrefHeight_Prop, PrefWidth_Prop, Rotate_Prop, ScaleX_Prop, ScaleY_Prop, Scroll, Showing_Prop, Spacing_Prop, Text_Prop, ToolTip_Prop, TransX_Prop, TransY_Prop, Vertical_Prop, Visible_Prop, Width_Prop, X_Prop, Y_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.props.PropObject
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionvoid
Override to return child as MenuItem.void
Adds a separator.protected void
(ViewEvent anEvent) Override to show popup.protected void
(XMLArchiver anArchiver, XMLElement anElement) XML unarchival for shape children.getChildForName
(String aName) Override to include child menu items.Returns the default font.getItem
(int anIndex) Override to return child as
Returns the number of items.getItems()
Returns the child items.Returns the menu showing (or null).getPopup()
Returns a popup node for this menu.void
Hides the popup.protected void
Hides this menu and parent menus.protected void
Hides child menu popup windows.boolean
Returns whether popup is showing.boolean
Returns whether menu is showing arrow graphic.protected void
Called when child MenuItem fires action.void
Override to send to items.void
(boolean aVal) Sets whether menu is showing arrow graphic.protected void
(boolean aValue) Override to show if in MenuBar or Menu.void
Show menu.void
(View aView, double menuX, double menuY) Show menu.protected void
(XMLArchiver anArchiver, XMLElement anElement) XML archival of children.Methods inherited from class snap.view.MenuItem
clone, fromXMLView, getParentMenu, getPrefHeightImpl, getPropValue, getShortcut, getShortcutCombo, getShortcutText, getValuePropName, isSelected, isSeparator, paintButton, paintSeparator, setPropValue, setSelected, setShortcut, toXMLView
Methods inherited from class snap.view.ButtonBase
createActionEvent, fire, getGraphic, getGraphicAfter, getImage, getImageAfter, getImageName, getLabel, getPosition, getPrefWidthImpl, getSharedAction, getText, getTextFill, getViewProxy, initProps, isPressed, isShowArea, isTargeted, layoutImpl, paintAll, paintFront, processEvent, setDisabled, setGraphic, setGraphicAfter, setImage, setImageAfter, setImageName, setPosition, setPressed, setSharedAction, setShowArea, setText, setTextFill
Methods inherited from class snap.view.ParentView
addChild, addChild, addDeepChangeListener, childDidDeepChange, childDidPropChange, fromXML, getChild, getChildAt, getChildAt, getChildCount, getChildCountManaged, getChildForClass, getChildLast, getChildren, getChildrenForClass, getChildrenInPaintOrder, getChildrenManaged, getFocusNext, getFocusPrev, getViewList, indexOfChild, intersectsShape, isInLayout, isNeedsLayout, isNeedsLayoutDeep, isNeedsRepaintDeep, layout, layoutDeep, layoutDeepImpl, layoutFloatingViews, paintAbove, paintChildren, parentFontChanged, processPropChange, relayout, removeChild, removeChild, removeChildren, removeDeepChangeListener, setChildren, setFont, setNeedsLayout, setNeedsLayoutDeep, setNeedsRepaintDeep, setOwnerChildren, setShowing, themeChanged, toXML
Methods inherited from class snap.view.View
addBinding, addEventFilter, addEventHandler, contains, contains, containsShape, disableEvents, enableEvents, getAlign, getAlignX, getAlignY, getAnim, getAnimCleared, getAnimTimeDeep, getBestHeight, getBestSize, getBestWidth, getBinding, getBinding, getBindingCount, getBindings, getBorder, getBorderRadius, getBounds, getBoundsLocal, getBoundsParent, getBoundsShape, getBoundsShapeParent, getClip, getClipAll, getClipAllBounds, getClipBounds, getClippedRect, getCursor, getDefaultBorder, getDefaultFill, getEffect, getEnv, getEventAdapter, getFill, getFillColor, getFocusNext, getFocusPrev, getFont, getHeight, getHost, getInsetsAll, getLean, getLeanX, getLeanY, getLocalToParent, getLocalToParent, getMargin, getMaxHeight, getMaxSize, getMaxWidth, getMaxX, getMaxY, getMidX, getMidY, getMinHeight, getMinHeightImpl, getMinSize, getMinWidth, getMinWidthImpl, getName, getOpacity, getOpacityAll, getOwner, getOwner, getPadding, getParent, getParent, getParentCount, getParentToLocal, getParentToLocal, getPhysics, getPhysics, getPrefHeight, getPrefHeight, getPrefSize, getPrefWidth, getPrefWidth, getProp, getPropDefault, getProps, getRealClassName, getRepaintRect, getRepaintRectExpanded, getRootView, getRotate, getScale, getScaleX, getScaleY, getSize, getSpacing, getToolTip, getToolTip, getTransX, getTransY, getUpdater, getVisRect, getWidth, getWindow, getX, getXY, getY, indexInHost, indexInParent, isActionable, isAncestor, isClipToBounds, isDisabled, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocused, isFocusKeysEnabled, isFocusPainted, isFocusWhenPressed, isFontSet, isGrowHeight, isGrowWidth, isGuest, isHorizontal, isLocalToParentSimple, isManaged, isManagedVisible, isMaxHeightSet, isMaxWidthSet, isMinHeightSet, isMinWidthSet, isMouseDown, isMouseOver, isNeedsRepaint, isPaintable, isPickable, isPickableVisible, isPrefHeightSet, isPrefWidthSet, isShowing, isToolTipEnabled, isVertical, isVisible, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToScreen, paintBack, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, playAnimDeep, processEventAll, processEventFilters, processEventHandlers, relayoutParent, removeBinding, removeBinding, removeEventFilter, removeEventHandler, repaint, repaint, repaint, repaintInParent, requestFocus, runDelayed, runIntervals, runLater, scrollToVisible, setActionable, setAlign, setAlignX, setAlignY, setAnimProps, setAnimString, setAnimTimeDeep, setBorder, setBorder, setBorderRadius, setBounds, setBounds, setBoundsLocal, setClip, setClipToBounds, setCursor, setEffect, setEnabled, setFill, setFocusable, setFocused, setFocusKeysEnabled, setFocusPainted, setFocusWhenPressed, setGrowHeight, setGrowWidth, setHeight, setLean, setLeanX, setLeanY, setManaged, setMargin, setMargin, setMaxHeight, setMaxSize, setMaxSize, setMaxWidth, setMinHeight, setMinSize, setMinSize, setMinWidth, setName, setOpacity, setPadding, setPadding, setPaintable, setParent, setPickable, setPrefHeight, setPrefSize, setPrefSize, setPrefWidth, setProp, setRealClassName, setRotate, setScale, setScaleX, setScaleY, setSize, setSize, setSizeLocal, setSizeToBestSize, setSizeToPrefSize, setSpacing, setToolTip, setToolTipEnabled, setTransX, setTransY, setVertical, setVisible, setWidth, setX, setXY, setXYLocal, setY, stopAnimDeep, stopIntervals, toStringProps
Methods inherited from class snap.props.PropObject
addPropChangeListener, addPropChangeListener, firePropChange, firePropChange, firePropChange, getPropForName, getPropParent, getPropSet, getPropsForArchival, getPropsForArchivalExtra, getPropsString, isPropDefault, removePropChangeListener, removePropChangeListener, setPropsString, setPropValues, toString
Constructor Details
public Menu()Constructor.
Method Details
public boolean isShowArrow()Returns whether menu is showing arrow graphic. -
public void setShowArrow(boolean aVal) Sets whether menu is showing arrow graphic. -
Returns the child items. -
public int getItemCount()Returns the number of items. -
Override to return child as MenuItem. -
Override to return child as MenuItem. -
public void addSeparator()Adds a separator. -
Returns a popup node for this menu. -
public void showMenu()Show menu. -
Show menu. -
public void hide()Hides the popup. -
public boolean isPopupShowing()Returns whether popup is showing. -
protected void hideAll()Hides this menu and parent menus. -
protected void hideChildPopupWindows()Hides child menu popup windows. -
protected void itemFiredActionEvent()Called when child MenuItem fires action. -
Override to show popup.- Overrides:
in classMenuItem
protected void setTargeted(boolean aValue) Override to show if in MenuBar or Menu.- Overrides:
in classMenuItem
Returns the menu showing (or null). -
Override to include child menu items.- Overrides:
in classParentView
Override to send to items.- Overrides:
in classParentView
Returns the default font.- Overrides:
in classView
XML archival of children.- Overrides:
in classParentView
XML unarchival for shape children.- Overrides:
in classParentView