Package snap.view
Class ScrollBar
- All Implemented Interfaces:
A ScrollBar for ScrollView.
Field Summary
FieldsFields inherited from class snap.view.View
_align, _borderRadius, _effect, _font, _margin, _padding, _repaintRect, _showing, _spacing, _vertical, Action, Align_Prop, Border_Prop, BorderRadius_Prop, Clip_Prop, Cursor_Prop, DEFAULT_ALIGN, DEFAULT_MARGIN, DEFAULT_PADDING, DEFAULT_SPACING, Disabled_Prop, DragEvents, Effect_Prop, Fill_Prop, Focusable_Prop, Focused_Prop, FocusWhenPressed_Prop, Font_Prop, GrowHeight_Prop, GrowWidth_Prop, Height_Prop, KeyEvents, KeyPress, KeyRelease, KeyType, LeanX_Prop, LeanY_Prop, Managed_Prop, Margin_Prop, MaxHeight_Prop, MaxWidth_Prop, MinHeight_Prop, MinWidth_Prop, MouseDrag, MouseEnter, MouseEvents, MouseExit, MouseMove, MousePress, MouseRelease, Name_Prop, Opacity_Prop, Padding_Prop, Paintable_Prop, Parent_Prop, Pickable_Prop, PrefHeight_Prop, PrefWidth_Prop, Rotate_Prop, ScaleX_Prop, ScaleY_Prop, Scroll, Showing_Prop, Spacing_Prop, Text_Prop, ToolTip_Prop, TransX_Prop, TransY_Prop, Vertical_Prop, Visible_Prop, Width_Prop, X_Prop, Y_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.props.PropObject
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptiondouble
Returns the offset into ScrollSize.double
Returns the scroll limit.double
Returns the ratio of Scroll to ScrollLimit (0-1).double
Returns the size of the content being scrolled.double
Returns the ratio of ViewSize to ScrollSize.Returns the thumb rect.double
Returns the size of the viewable portion of ScrollSize.static void
Draws a button for the given rect with an option for pressed.protected void
(Painter aPntr) Paints the thumb.static void
(Painter aPntr, double x, double y, double w, double h, boolean isHor, int aState) Draws a button for the given rect with an option for pressed.protected void
(ViewEvent anEvent) Handle events.void
(double aValue) Sets the offset into ScrollSize.void
(double aValue) Sets the ratio of Scroll to ScrollLimit (0-1).void
(double aValue) Sets the size of the content being scrolled.void
(double aValue) Sets the size of the viewable portion of ScrollSize.Methods inherited from class snap.view.View
addBinding, addEventFilter, addEventHandler, clone, contains, contains, containsShape, createActionEvent, disableEvents, enableEvents, fireActionEvent, fromXML, getAlign, getAlignX, getAlignY, getAnim, getAnimCleared, getAnimTimeDeep, getBestHeight, getBestSize, getBestWidth, getBinding, getBinding, getBindingCount, getBindings, getBorder, getBorderRadius, getBounds, getBoundsLocal, getBoundsParent, getBoundsShape, getBoundsShapeParent, getClip, getClipAll, getClipAllBounds, getClipBounds, getClippedRect, getCursor, getDefaultBorder, getDefaultFill, getDefaultFont, getEffect, getEnv, getEventAdapter, getFill, getFillColor, getFocusNext, getFocusPrev, getFont, getHeight, getHost, getInsetsAll, getLean, getLeanX, getLeanY, getLocalToParent, getLocalToParent, getMargin, getMaxHeight, getMaxSize, getMaxWidth, getMaxX, getMaxY, getMidX, getMidY, getMinHeight, getMinHeightImpl, getMinSize, getMinWidth, getMinWidthImpl, getName, getOpacity, getOpacityAll, getOwner, getOwner, getPadding, getParent, getParent, getParentCount, getParentToLocal, getParentToLocal, getPhysics, getPhysics, getPrefHeight, getPrefHeight, getPrefHeightImpl, getPrefSize, getPrefWidth, getPrefWidth, getPrefWidthImpl, getProp, getPropDefault, getProps, getPropValue, getRealClassName, getRepaintRect, getRepaintRectExpanded, getRootView, getRotate, getScale, getScaleX, getScaleY, getSize, getSpacing, getText, getToolTip, getToolTip, getTransX, getTransY, getUpdater, getValuePropName, getVisRect, getWidth, getWindow, getX, getXY, getY, indexInHost, indexInParent, initProps, intersectsShape, isActionable, isAncestor, isClipToBounds, isDisabled, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocused, isFocusKeysEnabled, isFocusPainted, isFocusWhenPressed, isFontSet, isGrowHeight, isGrowWidth, isGuest, isHorizontal, isLocalToParentSimple, isManaged, isManagedVisible, isMaxHeightSet, isMaxWidthSet, isMinHeightSet, isMinWidthSet, isMouseDown, isMouseOver, isNeedsRepaint, isPaintable, isPickable, isPickableVisible, isPrefHeightSet, isPrefWidthSet, isShowing, isToolTipEnabled, isVertical, isVisible, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToScreen, paintAll, paintBack, parentFontChanged, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, playAnimDeep, processEventAll, processEventFilters, processEventHandlers, relayout, relayoutParent, removeBinding, removeBinding, removeEventFilter, removeEventHandler, repaint, repaint, repaint, repaintInParent, requestFocus, runDelayed, runIntervals, runLater, scrollToVisible, setActionable, setAlign, setAlignX, setAlignY, setAnimProps, setAnimString, setAnimTimeDeep, setBorder, setBorder, setBorderRadius, setBounds, setBounds, setBoundsLocal, setClip, setClipToBounds, setCursor, setDisabled, setEffect, setEnabled, setFill, setFocusable, setFocused, setFocusKeysEnabled, setFocusPainted, setFocusWhenPressed, setFont, setGrowHeight, setGrowWidth, setHeight, setLean, setLeanX, setLeanY, setManaged, setMargin, setMargin, setMaxHeight, setMaxSize, setMaxSize, setMaxWidth, setMinHeight, setMinSize, setMinSize, setMinWidth, setName, setOpacity, setOwner, setPadding, setPadding, setPaintable, setParent, setPickable, setPrefHeight, setPrefSize, setPrefSize, setPrefWidth, setProp, setPropValue, setRealClassName, setRotate, setScale, setScaleX, setScaleY, setShowing, setSize, setSize, setSizeLocal, setSizeToBestSize, setSizeToPrefSize, setSpacing, setText, setToolTip, setToolTipEnabled, setTransX, setTransY, setVertical, setVisible, setWidth, setX, setXY, setXYLocal, setY, stopAnimDeep, stopIntervals, themeChanged, toStringProps, toXML
Methods inherited from class snap.props.PropObject
addDeepChangeListener, addPropChangeListener, addPropChangeListener, firePropChange, firePropChange, firePropChange, getPropForName, getPropParent, getPropSet, getPropsForArchival, getPropsForArchivalExtra, getPropsString, isPropDefault, processPropChange, removeDeepChangeListener, removePropChangeListener, removePropChangeListener, setPropsString, setPropValues, toString
Field Details
- See Also:
- See Also:
Constructor Details
public ScrollBar()Creates a new ScrollBar.
Method Details
public double getScroll()Returns the offset into ScrollSize. -
public void setScroll(double aValue) Sets the offset into ScrollSize. -
public double getScrollLimit()Returns the scroll limit. -
public double getViewSize()Returns the size of the viewable portion of ScrollSize. -
public void setViewSize(double aValue) Sets the size of the viewable portion of ScrollSize. -
public double getScrollSize()Returns the size of the content being scrolled. -
public void setScrollSize(double aValue) Sets the size of the content being scrolled. -
public double getScrollRatio()Returns the ratio of Scroll to ScrollLimit (0-1). -
public void setScrollRatio(double aValue) Sets the ratio of Scroll to ScrollLimit (0-1). -
public double getSizeRatio()Returns the ratio of ViewSize to ScrollSize. -
Returns the thumb rect. -
Handle events.- Overrides:
in classView
Paints the thumb.- Overrides:
in classView
Draws a button for the given rect with an option for pressed. -
public static void paintThumb(Painter aPntr, double x, double y, double w, double h, boolean isHor, int aState) Draws a button for the given rect with an option for pressed.