Package snap.view
Class ScrollGroup
- All Implemented Interfaces:
A view that encapsulates multiple scroll views (center, top, left) and keeps them in sync to provide scroll headers.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class snap.view.ParentView
_children, Child_Prop, NeedsLayout_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.view.View
_align, _borderRadius, _effect, _font, _margin, _padding, _repaintRect, _showing, _spacing, _vertical, Action, Align_Prop, Border_Prop, BorderRadius_Prop, Clip_Prop, Cursor_Prop, DEFAULT_ALIGN, DEFAULT_MARGIN, DEFAULT_PADDING, DEFAULT_SPACING, Disabled_Prop, DragEvents, Effect_Prop, Fill_Prop, Focusable_Prop, Focused_Prop, FocusWhenPressed_Prop, Font_Prop, GrowHeight_Prop, GrowWidth_Prop, Height_Prop, KeyEvents, KeyPress, KeyRelease, KeyType, LeanX_Prop, LeanY_Prop, Managed_Prop, Margin_Prop, MaxHeight_Prop, MaxWidth_Prop, MinHeight_Prop, MinWidth_Prop, MouseDrag, MouseEnter, MouseEvents, MouseExit, MouseMove, MousePress, MouseRelease, Name_Prop, Opacity_Prop, Padding_Prop, Paintable_Prop, Parent_Prop, Pickable_Prop, PrefHeight_Prop, PrefWidth_Prop, Rotate_Prop, ScaleX_Prop, ScaleY_Prop, Scroll, Showing_Prop, Spacing_Prop, Text_Prop, ToolTip_Prop, TransX_Prop, TransY_Prop, Vertical_Prop, Visible_Prop, Width_Prop, X_Prop, Y_Prop
Fields inherited from class snap.props.PropObject
Constructor Summary
Constructors -
Method Summary
Modifier and TypeMethodDescriptionReturns the primary content.Returns the Corner view (NE).Returns the Corner view (NW).Returns the Corner view (SW).protected Scroller
Returns the left Scroller.Returns the view that holds the LeftScroll scroller view and CornerSW.Returns the view that holds the LeftScrollCol and divider line.Returns the left view.protected double
(double aW) Calculates the preferred height.protected double
(double aH) Calculates the preferred width.Returns the primary scroll view.protected Scroller
Returns the top Scroller.Returns the view that holds the TopScrollRow and a divider line view.Returns the view that holds the TopScroll scroller view and corner view(s).Returns the top view.boolean
Returns whether NE Corner view is showing (true when TopView set and ScrollView.VBarShowing).boolean
Returns whether NW Corner view is showing (true when TopView set and LeftView set).boolean
Returns whether SW Corner view is showing (true when LeftView set and ScrollView.HBarShowing).protected void
Override to layout children.void
(View aView) Sets the primary content.void
(View aView) Sets the left view.protected void
(boolean aValue) Sets whether NE Corner view is showing (true when TopView set and ScrollView.VBarShowing).protected void
(boolean aValue) Sets whether NW Corner view is showing (true when TopView set and LeftView set).protected void
(boolean aValue) Sets whether NW Corner view is showing (true when LeftView set and ScrollView.HBarShowing).void
(View aView) Sets the top view.Methods inherited from class snap.view.ParentView
addChild, addChild, addDeepChangeListener, childDidDeepChange, childDidPropChange, fromXML, fromXMLChildren, fromXMLView, getChild, getChildAt, getChildAt, getChildCount, getChildCountManaged, getChildForClass, getChildForName, getChildLast, getChildren, getChildrenForClass, getChildrenInPaintOrder, getChildrenManaged, getFocusNext, getFocusPrev, getPropValue, getViewList, getViewProxy, indexOfChild, initProps, intersectsShape, isInLayout, isNeedsLayout, isNeedsLayoutDeep, isNeedsRepaintDeep, layout, layoutDeep, layoutDeepImpl, layoutFloatingViews, paintAbove, paintAll, paintChildren, parentFontChanged, processPropChange, relayout, removeChild, removeChild, removeChildren, removeDeepChangeListener, setChildren, setFont, setNeedsLayout, setNeedsLayoutDeep, setNeedsRepaintDeep, setOwner, setOwnerChildren, setPropValue, setShowing, themeChanged, toXML, toXMLChildren, toXMLView
Methods inherited from class snap.view.View
addBinding, addEventFilter, addEventHandler, clone, contains, contains, containsShape, createActionEvent, disableEvents, enableEvents, fireActionEvent, getAlign, getAlignX, getAlignY, getAnim, getAnimCleared, getAnimTimeDeep, getBestHeight, getBestSize, getBestWidth, getBinding, getBinding, getBindingCount, getBindings, getBorder, getBorderRadius, getBounds, getBoundsLocal, getBoundsParent, getBoundsShape, getBoundsShapeParent, getClip, getClipAll, getClipAllBounds, getClipBounds, getClippedRect, getCursor, getDefaultBorder, getDefaultFill, getDefaultFont, getEffect, getEnv, getEventAdapter, getFill, getFillColor, getFocusNext, getFocusPrev, getFont, getHeight, getHost, getInsetsAll, getLean, getLeanX, getLeanY, getLocalToParent, getLocalToParent, getMargin, getMaxHeight, getMaxSize, getMaxWidth, getMaxX, getMaxY, getMidX, getMidY, getMinHeight, getMinHeightImpl, getMinSize, getMinWidth, getMinWidthImpl, getName, getOpacity, getOpacityAll, getOwner, getOwner, getPadding, getParent, getParent, getParentCount, getParentToLocal, getParentToLocal, getPhysics, getPhysics, getPrefHeight, getPrefHeight, getPrefSize, getPrefWidth, getPrefWidth, getProp, getPropDefault, getProps, getRealClassName, getRepaintRect, getRepaintRectExpanded, getRootView, getRotate, getScale, getScaleX, getScaleY, getSize, getSpacing, getText, getToolTip, getToolTip, getTransX, getTransY, getUpdater, getValuePropName, getVisRect, getWidth, getWindow, getX, getXY, getY, indexInHost, indexInParent, isActionable, isAncestor, isClipToBounds, isDisabled, isEnabled, isFocusable, isFocused, isFocusKeysEnabled, isFocusPainted, isFocusWhenPressed, isFontSet, isGrowHeight, isGrowWidth, isGuest, isHorizontal, isLocalToParentSimple, isManaged, isManagedVisible, isMaxHeightSet, isMaxWidthSet, isMinHeightSet, isMinWidthSet, isMouseDown, isMouseOver, isNeedsRepaint, isPaintable, isPickable, isPickableVisible, isPrefHeightSet, isPrefWidthSet, isShowing, isToolTipEnabled, isVertical, isVisible, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToParent, localToScreen, paintBack, paintFront, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, parentToLocal, playAnimDeep, processEvent, processEventAll, processEventFilters, processEventHandlers, relayoutParent, removeBinding, removeBinding, removeEventFilter, removeEventHandler, repaint, repaint, repaint, repaintInParent, requestFocus, runDelayed, runIntervals, runLater, scrollToVisible, setActionable, setAlign, setAlignX, setAlignY, setAnimProps, setAnimString, setAnimTimeDeep, setBorder, setBorder, setBorderRadius, setBounds, setBounds, setBoundsLocal, setClip, setClipToBounds, setCursor, setDisabled, setEffect, setEnabled, setFill, setFocusable, setFocused, setFocusKeysEnabled, setFocusPainted, setFocusWhenPressed, setGrowHeight, setGrowWidth, setHeight, setLean, setLeanX, setLeanY, setManaged, setMargin, setMargin, setMaxHeight, setMaxSize, setMaxSize, setMaxWidth, setMinHeight, setMinSize, setMinSize, setMinWidth, setName, setOpacity, setPadding, setPadding, setPaintable, setParent, setPickable, setPrefHeight, setPrefSize, setPrefSize, setPrefWidth, setProp, setRealClassName, setRotate, setScale, setScaleX, setScaleY, setSize, setSize, setSizeLocal, setSizeToBestSize, setSizeToPrefSize, setSpacing, setText, setToolTip, setToolTipEnabled, setTransX, setTransY, setVertical, setVisible, setWidth, setX, setXY, setXYLocal, setY, stopAnimDeep, stopIntervals, toStringProps
Methods inherited from class snap.props.PropObject
addPropChangeListener, addPropChangeListener, firePropChange, firePropChange, firePropChange, getPropForName, getPropParent, getPropSet, getPropsForArchival, getPropsForArchivalExtra, getPropsString, isPropDefault, removePropChangeListener, removePropChangeListener, setPropsString, setPropValues, toString
Constructor Details
public ScrollGroup()Creates a ScrollGroup. -
Creates a ScrollGroup.
Method Details
Returns the primary content. -
Sets the primary content. -
Returns the primary scroll view. -
Returns the top view. -
Sets the top view. -
Returns the top Scroller. -
Returns the view that holds the TopScroll scroller view and corner view(s). -
Returns the view that holds the TopScrollRow and a divider line view. -
Returns the left view. -
Sets the left view. -
Returns the left Scroller. -
Returns the view that holds the LeftScroll scroller view and CornerSW. -
Returns the view that holds the LeftScrollCol and divider line. -
Returns the Corner view (NE). -
public boolean isShowCornerNE()Returns whether NE Corner view is showing (true when TopView set and ScrollView.VBarShowing). -
protected void setShowCornerNE(boolean aValue) Sets whether NE Corner view is showing (true when TopView set and ScrollView.VBarShowing). -
Returns the Corner view (NW). -
public boolean isShowCornerNW()Returns whether NW Corner view is showing (true when TopView set and LeftView set). -
protected void setShowCornerNW(boolean aValue) Sets whether NW Corner view is showing (true when TopView set and LeftView set). -
Returns the Corner view (SW). -
public boolean isShowCornerSW()Returns whether SW Corner view is showing (true when LeftView set and ScrollView.HBarShowing). -
protected void setShowCornerSW(boolean aValue) Sets whether NW Corner view is showing (true when LeftView set and ScrollView.HBarShowing). -
protected double getPrefWidthImpl(double aH) Calculates the preferred width.- Overrides:
in classView
protected double getPrefHeightImpl(double aW) Calculates the preferred height.- Overrides:
in classView
protected void layoutImpl()Override to layout children.- Overrides:
in classParentView