Package snap.util

Class StringUtils


public class StringUtils extends Object
This class is a collection of convenient static String utils.
  • Constructor Details

    • StringUtils

      public StringUtils()
  • Method Details

    • isEmpty

      public static boolean isEmpty(String aString)
      Returns whether string is null or empty.
    • length

      public static int length(CharSequence aString)
      Returns the length of given string (supports null).
    • add

      public static String add(String s1, String s2)
      Adds the two strings together (treats nulls as empty strings).
    • add

      public static String add(String s1, String s2, String aSeparator)
      Adds the two strings together with separator (treats nulls as empty strings, omitting sep if either is null).
    • min

      public static String min(String s)
      String demotion - returns either the given string or null (if given string length is zero).
    • max

      public static String max(String s)
      String promotion - returns either the given string or empty string (if given string is null).
    • or

      public static String or(String s1, String s2)
      Returns the first non-null string of the two given strings (or null).
    • toString

      public static String toString(double aValue)
      Returns a string representation of the given float to (at most) 3 significant digits.
    • toString

      public static StringBuffer toString(Object anObj, String... theNames)
      Returns a basic toString for given object.
    • toStringAdd

      public static StringBuffer toStringAdd(StringBuffer aSB, Object anObj, String... theNames)
      Adds an attribute to toString string.
    • toStringAdd

      public static StringBuffer toStringAdd(StringBuffer aSB, String aName, Object aVal)
      Adds an attribute to toString string.
    • appendProp

      public static StringBuffer appendProp(StringBuffer aSB, String aName, Object aVal)
      Adds a property name/value to a StringBuffer being configured with multiple comma separated props.
    • trimStart

      public static String trimStart(CharSequence aStr)
      Trims the start of a string.
    • trimEnd

      public static String trimEnd(CharSequence aStr)
      Trims the end of a string.
    • delete

      public static String delete(String aString, String aSearch)
      Returns the result of deleting from the given string any occurrence of the search string.
    • deleteIC

      public static String deleteIC(String aString, String aSearch)
      Returns the result of deleting from the given string any occurrence of the search string (ignores case).
    • replace

      public static String replace(String s, int start, int end, String withString)
      Returns the result of replacing in the given string the char range with the with-string.
    • replace

      public static String replace(String aString, String search, String replace)
      Returns the result of replacing in the given string any occurrence of the search string with the replace-string.
    • replaceIC

      public static String replaceIC(String aString, String search, String replace)
      Returns the result of replacing in given string any occurrence of search string with replace-string (ignore case).
    • separate

      public static List<String> separate(String aString, String aSeparator)
      Returns a list of parts of given string separated by the given delimiter.
    • separate

      public static List<String> separate(String aString, String aSeparator, boolean doTrim)
      Returns a list of parts of given string separated by the given delimiter, with option to trim space.
    • intValue

      public static int intValue(String aString)
      Returns an int value by parsing the given string.
    • longValue

      public static long longValue(String aString)
      Returns an int value by parsing the given string.
    • longValue

      public static long longValue(String aString, int aStart)
      Returns an double value by parsing the given string starting at the given index.
    • floatValue

      public static float floatValue(String aString)
      Returns an float value by parsing the given string.
    • doubleValue

      public static double doubleValue(String aString)
      Returns an double value by parsing the given string.
    • doubleValue

      public static double doubleValue(String aString, int aStart)
      Returns an double value by parsing the given string starting at the given index.
    • getBytes

      public static byte[] getBytes(String aString)
      Returns the ASCII bytes of the given string (ISO-Latin).
    • getBytes

      public static byte[] getBytes(String aString, String enc)
      Returns the bytes of the given string in the requested char encoding.
    • getString

      public static String getString(byte[] theBytes)
      Returns a string for given bytes.
    • getString

      public static String getString(byte[] theBytes, String anEncoding)
      Returns a string for given bytes.
    • getISOLatinString

      public static String getISOLatinString(byte[] bytes)
      Returns a string from the given ASCII bytes.
    • getISOLatinString

      public static String getISOLatinString(byte[] bytes, int offset, int length)
      Returns a string from the given ASCII bytes (from offset to offset+length).
    • indexOf

      public static int indexOf(CharSequence theChars, CharSequence theSearch, int aStart)
      Returns the last index of given search chars in given chars.
    • lastIndexOf

      public static int lastIndexOf(CharSequence theChars, CharSequence theSearch)
      Returns the last index of given search chars in given chars.
    • indexOfIC

      public static int indexOfIC(CharSequence s1, CharSequence s2)
      Returns the index of search string s2 in given string s1, ignores case.
    • indexOfIC

      public static int indexOfIC(CharSequence s1, CharSequence s2, int start)
      Returns the index of search string s2 in given string s1, ignores case and starts at start char index.
    • equalsIC

      public static boolean equalsIC(String s1, String s2)
      Returns whether s1 equals s2, ignoring case.
    • endsWithIC

      public static boolean endsWithIC(String s1, String s2)
      Returns whether s1 ends with s2, ignoring case.
    • startsWithIC

      public static boolean startsWithIC(String s1, String s2)
      Returns whether s1 starts with s2, ignoring case.
    • firstCharUpperCase

      public static String firstCharUpperCase(String aString)
      Returns the given string with the first char promoted to uppercase.
    • firstCharLowerCase

      public static String firstCharLowerCase(String aString)
      Returns the given string with the first char demoted to lowercase.
    • fromCamelCase

      public static String fromCamelCase(String aString)
      Returns a spaced string from a camel case string.
    • toCamelCase

      public static String toCamelCase(String aString)
      Returns a camel cased string from a string with non-alphanumeric chars.
    • wrap

      public static String wrap(String aString, int aLimit)
      Returns a string wrapped on word boundaries.
    • wrap

      public static String wrap(String aString, int aLimit, String aSeperator, String aJoiner)
      Returns a string wrapped on word boundaries as defined by regex string (eg., whitespace="\\s*", dot="\\.", etc.).
    • addWords

      public static int addWords(String aString, int aStart, int anEnd, StringBuffer aBuffer, Matcher aMatcher)
      Adds words from given string and string start/end to given string buffer.
    • join

      public static String join(Object[] theParts, String aSep)
      Returns a joined string given an array and separator.
    • join

      public static String join(List<?> aList, String aSep)
      Returns a joined string given a list and separator.
    • indexOfIC

      public static int indexOfIC(String[] theStrings, String aString)
      Returns the index of a given string in the given array, ignoring case.
    • containsIC

      public static boolean containsIC(String[] theStrings, String aString)
      Returns whether the given string array contains the given string, ignoring case.
    • getStringQuoted

      public static String getStringQuoted(String aString)
      Returns a quoted string.
    • getStringSurrounded

      public static String getStringSurrounded(String aString, String aSurroundString, String anEscapeString)
      Returns a string surrounded by given string.
    • getStackTraceString

      public static String getStackTraceString(Throwable aThrowable)
      Returns a stack trace string for given exception.
    • getStackTraceString

      public static String getStackTraceString(Throwable aThrowable, int aDepth)
      Returns a stack trace string for given exception.
    • formatNum

      public static String formatNum(String aPattern, Object aNum)
      Formats a number with given Decimal format pattern.