Package snap.util
package snap.util
ClassDescriptionA collection of array utility methods.This class has utility methods to code and decode into various different formats: hex, ASCII85, base 64.This class is like a StringBuffer for bytes instead of chars.This class adds some convenience methods for CharSequence.This CharSequence sub interface adds some convenience methods.Utility methods for Class.This class holds utilities to convert values.A simple date parser.Some helper methods for Date.Utility methods for Enums.Utility methods for file path strings.Utility methods for file.Utilities for formatting numbers and dates.This class provides functionality to find the best method for given arg classes.This class provides functionality to interpolate between two numbers given a ratio between 0-1.An archiver to read/write objects from/to JSON.An interface so objects can provide archival class to archiver.An interface so objects can provide archival attributes to archiver.An interface so objects can provide archival values to archiver.An interface so objects can set archival values from archiver.This JSValue subclass represents an array.This JSValue subclass represents an object.A JSONParser subclass (with handlers).Array Handler.Object Handler.Pair Handler.Value Handler.Represents a node in a JSON tree.Writes a JSON to string.This class provides an optimized convenience for getting named values from arbitrary objects.This is interface is implemented by objects that can get key values themselves.This is interface is implemented by objects that can get/set key value themselves.This class evaluates a string expression on a given object: KeyChain.getValue(object, expression).A function handler.This is interface is implemented by objects that can get key chain values themselves.A Parser subclass to parse strings to KeyChains.AdditiveExpr Handler: AdditiveExpr { MultiplicativeExpr (("+" | "-") MultiplicativeExpr)* }ArgList Handler: ArgList { Expression ("," Expression)* }BinaryExpr Handler.ComparativeExpr Handler: ComparativeExpr { AdditiveExpr ((">" | "<" | ">=" | "<=") AdditiveExpr)* }EqualityExpr Handler: EqualityExpr { ComparativeExpr (("==" | "!=") ComparativeExpr)* }Expression Handler: Expression { LogicalOrExpr (LookAhead(2) "?" Expression (LookAhead(2) ":" Expression)?)? }KeyChain Handler: KeyChain { Object ("." Object)* }LogicalAndExpr Handler: LogicalAndExpr { EqualityExpr ("&&" EqualityExpr)* }LogicalOrExpr Handler: LogicalOrExpr { LogicalAndExpr ("||" LogicalAndExpr)* }MultiplicativeExpr Handler: MultiplicativeExpr { UnaryExpr (("*" | "/" | "%") UnaryExpr)* }Object Handler: LookAhead(3) KEY "(" ArgList? ")" | LookAhead(2) KEY "[" Expression "]" | LookAhead(3) KEY | INT | FLOAT | STRING | "(" Expression ")"Statement Handler: Statement { LookAhead(2) KEY ("=" | "+=") Expression | Expression }UnaryExpr Handler: UnaryExpr { "-" KeyChain | "!" KeyChain | KeyChain }Represents a selection for a List.Represents a selection for a table.Utility methods for use with Java.util.List.An interface to identify classes that have external resources that may not be immediately available.A class to load a list of loadables.A class to store a list of loadables.Utility methods for use with Java.util.Map.Utility methods for common math operations.ObjectArray<T>This class manages an array of object values.PickList<E>A list implementation that includes support for a selection and a synchronized sorted list.A platform implementation of preferences.A class to represent start and end values.Selectable<T>An interface for views that are selectable.This class provides general utility methods.This class provides a basic description for comparison and sorting with a simple key and order (ascending or descending).This class is a collection of convenient static String utils.Interface for tracking the progress of arbitrary tasks.A TaskMonitor implementation that shows task updates in a panel after a short delay.TaskRunner<T>A class for running operations in the background.Utilities for URL.This class manages archival and unarchival to/from XMLElements.An interface for objects that are archivable.This inner class represents a named resource associated with an archiver.This class represents an XML attribute by simply having a name and value.The class represents an XML element and simply manages a list of XML attributes and a list XML elements (recursively).A class to load an XMLElement from aSource.Attribute Handler: Attribute { Name "=" String }Document Handler: Document { Prolog? DocType? Element }Element Handler: Element { "<" Name Attribute* ("/>" | (">" Content "</" Name ">")) }Prolog Handler: Prolog { "<?xml" Attribute* "?>" }A Tokenizer subclass to read XML contents.